Hall of Fame

Ameya Kulkarni

ameya kulkarniAmeya won second place at NCAS in 2013 and was invited to NCUR meeting in the UK.ameya kulkarni 2

Trent Beeninga

Trent won second place at NCAS in trent beeninga
2013 as well as the Derieux Award in Cell & Development.




Jordan Taylor

jordan taylorJordan won second place at NCAS in
2013 as well as the Derieux Award in
Biotechnology, Genomics, and
Molecular Biology.

Michael Wyngarden

Michael won third place at NCAS in michael wyngarden
2012 as well as the Derieux Award in Cellular
& Molecular Biology.




April Lamb

halloffame2 April  presenting her research
at the 2015 Summer
Undergraduate Research
Symposium, NCSU



Blandon Klapheke

Blandon presented at the Brandon at NCSU symposium 2
2015 Summer Undergraduate
Research Symposium, NCSU





Brinda Bhaskar

Brinda NCSU SymposiumIMG_4673Brinda presented at the 2015
Summer Undergraduate Research
Symposium, NCSU






A guided undergraduate research program designed for first year students.